
If you are searching for a Roller Coaster don't look any further. If you don't like any of my roller coasters you can post here with some details of the roller coaster you are looking for. Then I will try to design your dream roller coaster.

Details I need:
  • What kind of roller coaster. (Vekoma, B&M, Corkscrew etc)
  • What kind of car (only standard to work with easy to replace, like: B&M sit down, Vekoma etc).
  • Launch or chain lift.
  • Height of chainlift/highest hill (Please post heights in meters).
  • Loopings, Corkscrew, roll-over etc (and how many).
  • Colors (track and supports)
  • And a description (which must conclude any special curves or loopings etc).
If you post here please leave an e-mail adress so that I can tell you when it's done or if I need some more information.

Best Regards,
